9594. ABA


The string of letters is given. How many times the subsequence “ABA” occurs in the given string? The letters “ABA” may not be adjacent, but their order must be preserved.


Input. One line containing only uppercase Latin letters. The length of the string does not exceed 106.


Output. Print the number of occurrences of the subsequence “ABA” in the string.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1





Sample input 2

Sample output 2








Algorithm analysis

Let s0s1sn-1 be the input string. Let l[i] contain the number of letters A in positions from zero to the i-th inclusive. Let cnt be the number of the letters A in the word. Then to the right of position i there are cnt – l[i] letters A.

If the letter B is in the i-th position, then to the left of it, there are l[i] letters A, and to the right, there are (cnt – l[i]) letters A. The number of subsequences “ABA” in which the letter B is in the i-th position equals to l[i] * (cnt – l[i]).

The remaining task is to sum up the values of l[i] * (cnt – l[i]) for all positions i where the letter B is located.


Second solution. Iterate through the input string from left to right and count the number of letters A in the variable a.

For each letter B in the string, there exist a words AB (there are exactly a letters A preceding the current letter B). Count the number of encountered words AB in the variable ab. Increment ab by a for each letter B.

For each current letter A, there exist ab words AB preceding it. Count the number of encountered ABA words in the variable aba. Increment aba by ab for each letter A.




Consider the second test case.


The number of subsequences “ABA” is

1 * 5 + 2 * 4 + 2 * 4 + 2 * 4 = 5 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 29


Let’s examine the values of the variables in the case of solving the problem using the second method.



Algorithm implementation

Read the input string s.


cin >> s;


Initialize the variables.


cnt = 0; len = s.size();



For each position i, store in l[i] the number of letters A in positions from zero to the i-th inclusive. At the end of the loop, cnt contains the number of A.


for (i = 0; i < len; i++)


  if (s[i] == 'A') cnt++;

  l[i] = cnt;



Compute the answer in the variable res.


res = 0;


Count the number of subsequences “ABA” for each position i that contains the letter B.


for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

  if (s[i] == 'B') res += 1LL * l[i] * (cnt - l[i]);


Print the answer.


cout << res;


Algorithm implementation – combinatorics

Read the input string s.


cin >> s;


Initialize the variables.


a = ab = aba = 0;


Iterate through the characters of a string and recalculate the variables a, ab and aba.


for (i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)

  if (s[i] == 'A')



    aba += ab;



  if (s[i] == 'B') ab += a;


Print the answer.


cout << aba << endl;


Python implementation

Read the input string s.


s = input()


Initialize the variables.


cnt = 0

n = len(s)

l = [0] * n


For each position i, store in l[i] the number of letters A in positions from zero to the i-th inclusive. At the end of the loop, cnt contains the number of A.


for i in range(n):

  if s[i] == 'A':

    cnt += 1

  l[i] = cnt


Compute the answer in the variable res.


res = 0


For each position i, that contains letter B, count the number of subsequences “ABA”.


for i in range(n):

  if s[i] == 'B':

    res += l[i] * (cnt - l[i])


Print the answer.




Python implementation – combinatorics

Read the input string s.


s = input()


Initialize the variables.


a = ab = aba = 0


Iterate through the characters of a string and recalculate the variables a, ab and aba.


for c in s:

  if c == 'A':

    a += 1

    aba += ab

  if c == 'B':

    ab += a


Print the answer.

